How To Stay Healthy Brochure

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The factors that contribute to our health can be broadly divided into:

  1. Nutrition,

  2. Lifestyle,

  3. Sociobiological

  4. Psychobiological factors,

  5. Demographic characteristics,

  6. Economic factors,

  7. Ecology,

  8. technological progress.

Again, these factors are not isolated, but interrelated. A healthy body is based on a balanced diet. Everyone needs adequate and balanced nutrition from food in order to promote the growth of the body, maintain the function of the body and repair cells and tissues.

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Happiness is the key to good health

When we think of health, we often think of exercise and diet, but there is another important factor. Having happiness is just as important to your overall health as what you eat and how much you exercise. That said, there are many benefits to boosting happiness.

Happiness and health are closely related and affect each other. Your health deteriorates when you feel down, and vice versa. So, if you want to stay healthy, pay attention to the things around you that make you happy, in addition to the time you spend working out each week.

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How to Stay Healthy

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