The T7 Model of Team Effectiveness
Michael Lombardo and Robert Teichinger developed the T7 model in 1995. The T7 model helps you understand the factors that affect the effectiveness of your team and how they work together.
The 7 'T' Factors
The T7 model was validated through large-scale studies with 303 groups and 3,328 participants in 50 organizations across different industries (e.g., manufacturing, healthcare, telecommunications, and finance). What they came up with were five internal factors and two external factors, all beginning with the letter "T", hence the name.
All seven factors are necessary to ensure high team performance and effectiveness. If external factors do not play a role, internal factors will be in vain.
Best for: Teams and/or people who want to understand the factors that affect team effectiveness and how they work together.
Internal factors
Thrust: The team has a shared purpose, a common goal or objective
Trust: trust in your teammates to support you and have confidence in each other.
Talent: Skills required to complete the task.
Teaming skills: The ability to work as a team.
Task skills: Ability to complete tasks.
External factors
Team leader fit: A leader who works well with the team and a member will follow him
Team support from the organization: Support the organization of the team by providing adequate resources and support.
T7 Model Template
Here is a T7 Model template created with Visual Paradigm's online strategic analysis tool. You can customize this template by modifying the text, color and font, and use it in your presentations and reports.