Mustard Burger Recipe Card

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Mustard Burger


2 eggs

300 g minced veal

200 g shallots

3 tbsp mustard

50 g capers olive oil

salt and black pepper


  1. Finely chop the shallots. Fry gently in olive oil in a frying pan until the shallot pieces have softened;

  2. Mix the fried shallots with the minced veal, the eggs, the mustard, the capers and some salt and pepper in a bowl.

  3. Cover a plate with a thin film of olive oil. Transfer the meat mixture from the bowl to the plate and form it into an oversized burger.

  4. Let the burger slide from the plate into the heated frying pan. Fry for about 4 minutes.

  5. Remove the frying pan from the heat. Put the plate on top of it. Turn frying pan and plate upside down so that the burger will end up on the plate.

  6. Take another plate, cover it with a film of olive oil. put it on top of the plate with the burger, turn the two plates upside down. Divide the burger in two halves and serve together.

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