Customer Journey Mapping Tools

Customer Journey Mapping Tools Flow-Based Customer Journey Map Editar esta plantilla
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Create a Customer Journey Map

Typically, a customer journey map is constructed based on research data obtained from customer reviews, user estimates, network analysis, service records, polls, and competitive analysis. It illustrates research results through narrative and visual results. At a higher level, it presents the customer's actual experience with visual illustrations in the form of an infographic.

The structure of the customer journey map

A customer journey map is formatted as a matrix, with each column representing an important step in the larger process. The matrix also represents the user's goals, pain points and emotional processes, processes with which the user interacts, and ideas for improving the process such as opportunity and improvement actions.

Customer Journey Map Example

Some people classify the different types of operations as frontstage, backstage, or even behind the scenes. However, there is no standardized model for CJM. In fact, they take a wide range of forms and focuses. So just choose the one that best suits your purpose and customize it according to your needs.

Mapas de recorrido del cliente Template Specifications:
Esta plantilla de mapa de ruta del cliente es totalmente personalizable. Puede editar el contenido, reemplazar imágenes, cambiar colores, añadir o eliminar bloques de diseño y mucho más.
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1600 x 900 px

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